Ophthalmology in Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Course
The most comprehensive course in Ophthalmology ever offered in English.
Treatment Essentials: causes of redness, edema, swelling, discharge, pain, itching. Common formulas
Eyelid Diseases: Hordeola and Chalazia,Blepharitis, Blepharospasm.
Diseases of the Vitreous Humor and Orbit: Vitreous Opacity, Thyroid Ophthalmopathy
Lacrimal and Canthus Diseases: Epiphora- (Excessive Tearing)
Conjunctival Diseases Conjunctivitis: acute, chronic, and Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (springtime red itchy eyes)
Diseases of the Sclera: Dry Eye Syndromes
Corneal Diseases: Purulent Keratitis/Corneal Ulcer
Macular Diseases: Macular Degeneration
Diseases of the Lens Cataracts, Traumatic Cataract
Fundus Ocular Diseases Retinal Vein Occlusion, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Diabetic Retinopathy, Optic Neuritis
Glaucoma. Open Angle Glaucoma,
Disorders of the Ocular Muscles and Miscellaneous Diseases: Myopia, Visual Fatigue, Ocular Trauma and Penetrating Injuries to the Eye.
Uveal Diseases: Chronic Uveitis, Bechet’s Disease