Gynecology Pearls

This final weekend will refine and clarify your capacity to understand and treat gynecological complaints. First reviewing female physiology and how that appears on a basal body temperature chart, we’ll visit Cara’s favorite historical physicians. You’ll learn to assess key facial features to help you to accurately diagnose and treat a range of menstrual conditions: Irregular and painful menses, PCOS, PMS, breast disorders, beng-luo, menopause and more.

We'll review female physiology: the Tian Gui, Bao Mai, Bao Luo and Extraordinary Channels. Learn to interpret basal body temperature charts according to Chinese medical patterns

Gain an appreciation for the wisdom of Fu Qing Zhu and Xue Ji

Learn to assess the face, lips and tongue to identify patterns Students will learn to treat common and complex gynecological complaints including Irregular Menses, Jing Bi- Menstrual Block, PCOS, dysmenorrhea, Abnormal Uterine Bleeding- Beng Lou, Abdominal Masses: cysts and myomas

Day 1:

Female Physiology: Tian Gui, Bao Mai, Bao Luo, Extraordinary Channels. Introduction to Fu Qing Zhu and Xue Ji

Body types: Observation of lips, complexation, tongue

Normal Menses: Overview of Basal Body Temperature Charts. Organs, Channels, Zang Fu. The role of form and color.

General menstrual complaints; pathogenesis, patterns, formulas, herbal friends and modifications.

Guiding principles Overarching treatment principles

Key Questions

Irregular Menses, Jing Bi- Menstrual Block, PCOS, dysmenorrhea

Case Study

Breakout session: Write the formula

Case discussion

Case management

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding- Beng Lou, Abdominal Masses: cysts, myomas, Case Study

Case discussion

Case management

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge-Dai Xia, PMS, Breast Distention and lumps, Menopause Case Study

Case management
