
Diagnosis and Disease Courses


This 2 hour in-depth pre-recorded CE course for East Asian medicine practitioners will equip you with the knowledge and skills to confidently identify, treat and manage genital lichen sclerosis, a potentially debilitating chronic inflammatory skin disease. Learn via five case studies integrating traditional Chinese herbal formulas, nutritional supplements, diet and topical skin care as well as how to visually identify the skin disease across a diversity of skin tones. Transform your approach to the Chinese herbal medicine treatment of genital lichen sclerosis (GLS) with this specialized course taught by dermatology specialist, Juliette Aiyana, MTCM. 


Approved for 5 credits for CA and Fla, and 3.5 OM for the NCCAOM and 1.5 biomed

More than 200 million people around the world take statin drugs for their heart health. While they are effective, they also carry numerous risks, and many patients want to avoid taking them. Many of these could be avoided with only diet and lifestyle changes.
Imagine how many patients you can help! Chinese Herbal Medicine offers us a range of herbs and formulas proven to reduce excessive blood lipids.

Here's what's included: 

  • 5 hours of lecture
  • At least 28 PDF's of research 
  • 125 slides of powerpoint
  • Nutritional strategies
  • Visual signs of elevated lipids
  • Single herb discussion
  • Pattern breakdowns with formulas and modifications.

Telehealth Literacy and Diagnosis Essentials


Learn the foundations of running a successful telehealth practice. Whether you plan to fully pivot your practice, or create a hybrid model, this course will cover everything you need to get it set up.  

We’ll go over basic set-up: from HIPAA compliant platforms, good lighting and being zoom ready. We’ll cover legal and insurance concerns. 

But most important: Telehealth is not like a face to face intake: To do it well you need to adapt. Hone your inquiry and observational skills and build confidence in yourself to help people in a meaningful and effective way.

Learn a process to slow your thinking, unpack complex cases to diagnose patients, write formulas with confidence and modify them so they’re spot on

My slow diagnosis method is a step by step process to deconstruct tricky cases to their core components to eliminate confusion. 



The Treatment Upper Respiratory Disorders: Pre-Recorded. 

The Treatment Upper Respiratory Disorders with Chinese Herbology: Colds, Flu, Sinusitis and Cough. This program is designed to clarify your diagnostic process and create comfort selecting and modifying formulas.



GI disorders are among the most common complaints we encounter in the clinic. Chinese Herbology has a wealth of solutions for reflux, gastritis, peptic ulcers, Diarrhea, IBS/IBD: Crohn’s, Colitis, Constipation and more. 



Gynecology Pearls: LIVE December 4th and 5th

Chinese medicine is a gift to women’s bodies. Many of us devote our entire practices to this specialty. This will refine and clarify your capacity to understand and treat gynecological complaints.


32 PDA's NCCAOM and CA

China Herb Seminars removes the obstacles to a thriving herbal practice by teaching you a time-tested methodology that any passionate herbalist can master. 

Grow Your Ability to Diagnose Complex Cases. Deepen Your Herb Skills. Serve a Wider Community.

Telehealth Literacy, The Treatment of Respiratory Disorders, Healing Digestion and Gynecology Pearls included.


The most comprehensive course in Ophthalmology ever offered in English. 

  • Treatment Essentials: causes of redness, edema, swelling, discharge, pain, itching. Common formulas
  • Eyelid Diseases: Hordeola and Chalazia,Blepharitis,   Blepharospasm. 
  • Diseases of the Vitreous Humor and Orbit:     Vitreous Opacity, Thyroid Ophthalmopathy
  • Lacrimal and Canthus Diseases: Epiphora- (Excessive Tearing)
  • Conjunctival Diseases            Conjunctivitis: acute, chronic, and Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (springtime red itchy eyes)
  • Diseases of the Sclera:  Dry Eye Syndromes
  • Corneal Diseases: Purulent Keratitis/Corneal Ulcer    
  • Macular Diseases: Macular Degeneration
  •  Diseases of the Lens Cataracts, Traumatic Cataract
  • Fundus Ocular Diseases         Retinal Vein Occlusion,          Retinitis Pigmentosa,          Diabetic Retinopathy,          Optic Neuritis
  • Glaucoma. Open Angle Glaucoma, 
  • Disorders of the Ocular Muscles and Miscellaneous Diseases:  Myopia, Visual Fatigue, Ocular Trauma and Penetrating Injuries to the Eye. 
  • Uveal Diseases:  Chronic Uveitis, Bechet’s Disease